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In a multiprogramming environment several processes may compete for a finite number of resources. A process request resources; if the resource is available at that time a process enters the wait state. Waiting process may never change its state because the resources requested are held by other waiting process. This situation is known as deadlock.
· Traffic only in one direction.
· Each section of a bridge can be viewed as a resource.
· If a deadlock occurs, it can be resolved if one car backs up (preempt resources and rollback).
· Several cars may have to be backed up if a deadlock occurs.
· Starvation is possible
· If a deadlock occurs, it can be resolved if one car backs up (preempt resources and rollback).
· Several cars may have to be backed up if a deadlock occurs.
· Starvation is possible
System Model:
A system consists
of a finite number of resources to be distributed among a number
of competing processes. The resources are partitioned into several types each of which consists
of a number of identical instances. A process may utilized a resources in the following sequence
· Request: In this state one can
request a resource.
· Use: In this state the process operates on the resource.
· Release: In this state the
process releases the resources.
Deadlock Characteristics:
a deadlock process
never finish executing
and system resources are tied up. A deadlock situation can arise if the following
four conditions hold simultaneously in a system.
· Mutual Exclusion: At a time only one process can use the resources. If another process requests that resource, requesting process must wait until the resource has been released.
· Hold and wait: A process
must be holding
at least one resource and waiting to additional
resource that is currently held by other processes.
· No Preemption: Resources allocated to a process
can’t be forcibly
taken out from it unless it releases that resource after
completing the task.
· Circular Wait: A set {P0, P1, …….Pn} of waiting
state/ process must exists such that P0 is waiting for a resource
that is held by P1, P1 is waiting
for the resource that is held by P2 ….. P(n – 1) is waiting
for the resource that is held by Pn and Pn is waiting for the resources
that is held by P4.
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- What is an Operating System ?
- Discuss the structure off OS ?
- Explain type of OS?
- Explain Function of OS?
- Explain OS Services ?
- What do mean by system call ?List different type ofsystem call available ?
- what is process ? and Characteristics ?
- What is different process state? explain the same in details?
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- explain what is thread and its type ?
- explain scheduler ? (short term,medium term,and long term)
- state and explain scheduling criteria ?
- Explain scheduling algorithm ? [ FCFS,SJF,PRIORITY,ROUND ROBINE.]
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- what is Race Condition ?
- what is critical section problem?
- explain classical problem of synchronization?
- explain bounded - buffer problem?
- explain reader - writer problem ?
- explain Dining Philosophers Problem ?
- explain semaphores ? its type ?
- What is deadlock ?
- What are the 4 condition to produce deadlock ?
- explain methods of handling deadlock ?
- explain in detail deadlock prevention ?
- write short note on deadlock avoidance ?
- explain deadlock detection ?
- explain Banker algorithm with example ?
- What are memory management ?
- what is contiguous memory allocation and non - contiguous memory allocation ?
- explain concept of paging with neat diagram?
- differentiate contiguous and non - contiguous memory allocation ?
- explain in details various partitioning memory management?
- explain the concept of Segmentation ?
- what is Thrashing explain in details ?