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A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. A flowchart can be helpful for both writing programs and explaining the program to others.

Symbols Used In Flowchart

Flowline symbol in flowchart of programmingFlow lineIndicates the flow of logic by connecting symbols.
Terminal symbol in flowchart of programmingTerminal(Stop/Start)Represents the start and the end of a flowchart.
Input/Output symbol in flowchart of programmingInput/OutputUsed for input and output operation.
Processing symbol in flowchart of programmingProcessingUsed for arithmetic operations and data-manipulations.
Decision making symbol in flowchart of programmingDecisionUsed for decision making between two or more alternatives.
On-page connector symbol in flowchart of programmingOn-page ConnectorUsed to join different flowline
Off-page connector symbol in flowchart of programmingOff-page ConnectorUsed to connect the flowchart portion on a different page.
Predefined process symbol in flowchart of programmingPredefined Process/FunctionRepresents a group of statements performing one processing task.

Examples of flowcharts in programming

1. Add two numbers entered by the user.
Flowchart to add two numbers in programming
Flowchart to add two numbers

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