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An operating system provides an environment for the execution of the program. It provides some services to the programs.
The various services provided by an operating system are as follows:
• Program Execution:
The system must be able to load a program into memory and to run
that program.
The program must be able to terminate this execution either normally or
• I/O Operation:
A running program may require I/O. This I/O may involve a file or a I/O
device for specific device.
Some special function can be desired. Therefore the operating system must provide a means to do I/O.
• File System Manipulation:
The programs need to create and delete files by name and read
and write files.
Therefore the operating system must maintain each and every files correctly.
• Communication:
The communication is implemented via shared memory or by the
technique of message passing in which packets of information are moved between the processes by the operating system.
• Error detection:
The operating system should take the appropriate actions for the
occurrences of any type like arithmetic overflow, access to the illegal memory location and too large user CPU time.
• Research Allocation:
When multiple users are logged on to the system the resources must
be allocated to each of them.
For current distribution of the resource among the various processes the operating system uses the CPU scheduling run times which determine which
process will be allocated with the resource.
• Accounting:
The operating system keep track of which users use how many and which kind
of computer resources.
• Protection: The operating system is responsible for both hardware as well as software protection.
The operating system protects the information stored in a multiuser computer
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- What is an Operating System ?
- Discuss the structure off OS ?
- Explain type of OS?
- Explain Function of OS?
- Explain OS Services ?
- What do mean by system call ?List different type ofsystem call available ?
- what is process ? and Characteristics ?
- What is different process state? explain the same in details?
- write short note on user level and kernal level threads?
- explain what is thread and its type ?
- explain scheduler ? (short term,medium term,and long term)
- state and explain scheduling criteria ?
- Explain scheduling algorithm ? [ FCFS,SJF,PRIORITY,ROUND ROBINE.]
- What is process synchronization ? explain critical section problem and race condition ?
- what is Race Condition ?
- what is critical section problem?
- explain classical problem of synchronization?
- explain bounded - buffer problem?
- explain reader - writer problem ?
- explain Dining Philosophers Problem ?
- explain semaphores ? its type ?
- What is deadlock ?
- What are the 4 condition to produce deadlock ?
- explain methods of handling deadlock ?
- explain in detail deadlock prevention ?
- write short note on deadlock avoidance ?
- explain deadlock detection ?
- explain Banker algorithm with example ?
- What are memory management ?
- what is contiguous memory allocation and non - contiguous memory allocation ?
- explain concept of paging with neat diagram?
- differentiate contiguous and non - contiguous memory allocation ?
- explain in details various partitioning memory management?
- explain the concept of Segmentation ?
- what is Thrashing explain in details ?