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When a program need space larger than RAM or it need space when RAM is full, Operating System will try to allocate space from secondary memory and behaves like it has that much amount of memory by serving to that program. This concept is called virtual memory. To know about thrashing we first need to know what is page fault and swapping.
Page fault and swapping:
We know every program divided into some pages. When a program need a page which is not in RAM that is called page fault. Whenever a page fault happens, operating system will try to fetch that page from secondary memory and try to swap it with one of the page in RAM. This is called swapping.
Page fault and swapping:
We know every program divided into some pages. When a program need a page which is not in RAM that is called page fault. Whenever a page fault happens, operating system will try to fetch that page from secondary memory and try to swap it with one of the page in RAM. This is called swapping.
What is Thrashing in OS?
Effect of Thrashing
Whenever thrashing starts, operating system tries to apply either Global page replacement Algorithm or Local page replacement algorithm.
Global Page Replacement
Since global page replacement can access to bring any page, it tries to bring more pages whenever thrashing found. But what actually will happen is, due to this, no process gets enough frames and by result thrashing will be increase more and more. So global page replacement algorithm is not suitable when thrashing happens.
Local Page Replacement
Unlike global page replacement algorithm, local page replacement will select pages which only belongs to that process. So there is a chance to reduce the thrashing. But it is proven that there are many disadvantages if we use local page replacement. So local page replacement is just alternative than global page replacement in thrashing scenario.
Whenever thrashing starts, operating system tries to apply either Global page replacement Algorithm or Local page replacement algorithm.
Global Page Replacement
Since global page replacement can access to bring any page, it tries to bring more pages whenever thrashing found. But what actually will happen is, due to this, no process gets enough frames and by result thrashing will be increase more and more. So global page replacement algorithm is not suitable when thrashing happens.
Local Page Replacement
Unlike global page replacement algorithm, local page replacement will select pages which only belongs to that process. So there is a chance to reduce the thrashing. But it is proven that there are many disadvantages if we use local page replacement. So local page replacement is just alternative than global page replacement in thrashing scenario.
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- what is Thrashing explain in details ?