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A process or task is an instance of a program in execution.
The execution of a process must programs in a sequential manner.
At any time at most one instruction is executed.
The process includes the current activity as represented by the value of the program counter and the content of the processors registers.
Also it includes the process stack which contain temporary data (such as
method parameters return address and local variables) & a data section which contain global
Process memory is divided into four sections for efficient working :
- The Text section is made up of the compiled program code, read in from non-volatile storage when the program is launched.
- The Data section is made up the global and static variables, allocated and initialized prior to executing the main.
- The Heap is used for the dynamic memory allocation, and is managed via calls to new, delete, malloc, free, etc.
- The Stack is used for local variables. Space on the stack is reserved for local variables when they are declared.
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- What is an Operating System ?
- Discuss the structure off OS ?
- Explain type of OS?
- Explain Function of OS?
- Explain OS Services ?
- What do mean by system call ?List different type ofsystem call available ?
- what is process ? and Characteristics ?
- What is different process state? explain the same in details?
- write short note on user level and kernal level threads?
- explain what is thread and its type ?
- explain scheduler ? (short term,medium term,and long term)
- state and explain scheduling criteria ?
- Explain scheduling algorithm ? [ FCFS,SJF,PRIORITY,ROUND ROBINE.]
- What is process synchronization ? explain critical section problem and race condition ?
- what is Race Condition ?
- what is critical section problem?
- explain classical problem of synchronization?
- explain bounded - buffer problem?
- explain reader - writer problem ?
- explain Dining Philosophers Problem ?
- explain semaphores ? its type ?
- What is deadlock ?
- What are the 4 condition to produce deadlock ?
- explain methods of handling deadlock ?
- explain in detail deadlock prevention ?
- write short note on deadlock avoidance ?
- explain deadlock detection ?
- explain Banker algorithm with example ?
- What are memory management ?
- what is contiguous memory allocation and non - contiguous memory allocation ?
- explain concept of paging with neat diagram?
- differentiate contiguous and non - contiguous memory allocation ?
- explain in details various partitioning memory management?
- explain the concept of Segmentation ?
- what is Thrashing explain in details ?